|| HP Emily Glanvill Racing Fund || My sponsors, Harper Performance, are on a quest to raise £1000 to help me reach my 2017 racing budget! Can you help? Large or small, every donation is greatly appreciated!
Harper Performance says "Over the past 62 years, women have made up 0.6% of the drivers at the elite levels of motorsport. That's no typo... 0.6%. ... As part of our commitment to Emily Glanvill Racing as an #HPProjects client, we are mucking in to help raise £1k towards the costs of Emily competing this season on top of providing Emily with the performance-support she needs to compete on an equal footing to her male counterparts. We're proudly championing Emily Glanvill on her quest to compete at the very top of motorsport, and fiercely championing women in motorsport along the way... It all starts this season for EG Racing in the Celtic Speed Mini Cooper Cup... so please, whether you're a autosport-phile or autosport-phobe, please get involved with our fund via: goo.gl/g14hNc " A MASSIVE THANK YOU TO OUR FIRST TWO DONORS!!